Category: Recommendations
Here's a list of 25 ways to help your child love to read adapted from Zahler's 50.
- Teach your child to read.
- Let your child see you read.
- Read aloud.
- Encourage your kids to read aloud to you and to each other.
- Ask your children to retell for you the stories they've read.
- Have pre-readers “tell the story” from pictures.
- Help your children evaluate stories.
- Connect stories to children's lives.
- Encourage identification with characters.
- Make connections between books.
- Share with your family from your own reading.
- Recommend beloved books.
- Own books your child will want to read.
- Go to the library regularly.
- Take books with you when you travel.
- Suggest practical reasons for reading.
- Send kids to books for answers to their questions.
- Help your children find books that encourage them in their interests.
- Provide a home environment conducive to reading.
- Use TV wisely if you must use it at all.
- Increase your child's real-life experiences.
- Work with your child's teacher.
- Expect great things for and from your kids.
- Recognize differences among your children.
- Take delight in words and let that delight show.
And, above all, let's take delight in the Word and let that delight show.